Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, I decided I could start the J&A blog!! I'm not going to change my mind and not marry Jesse, so I might as well get started blogging about our CRAZY life! I will try to update this as much as possible.. (when Jesse lets me) haha. But we are so excited to get married! We both wish that the days would fly by just a bit faster. Jesse booked our honeymoon last night. We are going on a cruise for 4 days! I am so thrilled. I can't wait! The wedding plans are coming along... just one thing at a time I guess. For those who would like to attend my bridal shower is April 2, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. It's going to be at the LDS washington church (off of telegraph) It's the church down from the Walmart on the main road!! I hope to see you all there! Anyways, save the date MAY 21,2011 for that is the day I will finally become an ENCE :D


Alisa and Sky said...

Yay for becoming an ENCE :) Your blog is so cute! Hopefully you will be better about updating yours then I am on mine! I should be so much better, but I am not! Who is throwing you the bridal shower? I can help with it in any way if help is needed (Bring food, help decorate etc).

J&A Ence said...

I know sorry there will be two girls with the same name haha. But I am so excited. I probably will suck at updating, but I sure will try. My sisters and mom are throwing it, so it probably is covered! I will let you know though! LOVE YA!