Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So I am taking Amy's family pictures on sunday, and she asked me what to wear. Then I remembered watching a Studio 5 episode with Angela and remembering Laci Davis {the photographer on the show} family pictures! They were sooo fun, so bright, and she has an absolutely gorgeous family! So I looked up the pictures to send to Amy, and I came across her actual blog. and now I AM OBESSED! I was looking at her house, and wow, she is who I want to be! Her style is sooo how I wish mine was! She is so brave to decorate her house the way she does, and how she dresses also is "jaw dropping!" She has the best job in the world. Her photography is also amazing! Ah, Laci Davis,  you are my idol! She is also up in Davis County in Utah, and I WILL one day meet her! No joke though, you will all be obessed once you go to her blog and look at her photography and fun facts. Just look how cute her family pictures are and her house!

Isn't her family gorgeous, along with her!!

I would have to say she is the luckiest girl ever!!

Are you not in LOVE with her living room!

Now you can all see why I am obsessed! She has the cutest style ever!! Sorry if this blog is creepy, just wanted to show you that you should celebrate your house! Don't be afraid of using bright colors to decorate, or just throwing that bold bright color on the wall! Also, don't just refer back to the dull colors for your family pictures, as you can see the more bright, the more beautiful!


1 comment:

Alisa and Sky said...

She is gorgeous and so is her family!! LOVE their family pictures! What a cute place to take them!! Love that little girls room!!