Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So my cute husband told me he had been planning my birthday weekend for months... FINALLY it came!!
Thursday night {PRE-BIRTHDAY} present- my amazing mom got us tickets to Grease!! I have been wanting to see it for a long time, and finally I got to go! The BIG surprise were where we were sitting...

That's right, FRONT ROW VERY MIDDLE SEAT! It was AMAZING!! It was so fun to be so close and so into the play. I knew every word of every song, and usually every line that was next! Thanks Mom, and thanks Jesse for sitting for three hours while I got to remember my Grease childhood memories!

FRIDAY {BIRTHDAY!} Jesse and I woke up around ten, he didn't go to work cause I got the day off so he wanted to be with me all day. He helped me do all the laundry, dishes, and put all my close (color coordinated) in the closet! Then we got ready, I packed the little of what he would tell me to pack, and we were off!! My cute husband took me to ZION! Sounds funny cause we live so close, but as embarrassing as it is, I have NEVER hiked Zion.. CRAZY HUH! So we stayed at a great hotel, big bed, open space, and amazing deck with a great view. We laid by the pool for a couple hours, then got ready for dinner. We went to dinner, then went and got some delicious ice cream, two scoops for me for my bday, that I no-way near finished! Then we went back to the hotel and just relaxed for a while, then hit up the hot tub! It felt so good up there, not as hot as St.George at night! Then we watch some shark week for a bit and then went to bed. The next morning we woke up and headed to Zion. I decided I wanted to go to the Three Falls. We hiked to the third pool. It probably wouldn't have been so tiring if it wasn't 105 degrees (It felt like 150!) We had a good time though. But it was nice when we finally were driving back home in the AC! The rest of the night we relaxed and finally finished PRISON BREAK! Ehhh..the ending sucked!! BOO! But atleast we finished it, even if we stayed up till 230 AM! hahah. But my Birthday was wonderful!! Thanks for all the wonderful wishes, and presents. They were great and very appreciative.

Thanks Jesse, I sure love you!!

This was when Jesse started walking towards the hike with flip-flops on, I had to ask him if he was going to hike in those before he even realized....

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