Thursday, November 10, 2011


I always put off blogging for a good month or so, just so I actually have stuff to write about. Well first of all, Jesse is leaving me again, for the last time though!! I am sad that he will be done with college football but definitely relieved that he will not be leaving me every other weekend to go on a 20 hour bus ride. He played really well at his last home game, he even made the first touch down! It was cool to be on the field waiting for him as they honored him before the game. I know it was hard for his dad to not be there physically, but I know he was there spiritually. 

Yesterday also was a year since Rick had passed away, wow a year already!! I can't believe how much the Ence's have been through this year and how much everyone has grown. We all really did learn to rely on each other and try to make the best of every situation. I know that we are all going through trails, but we also have been so blessed! It wasn't a day of sorrow, it was a day of realizing how strong an eternal family can be, and knowing that we will be with Rick again! I am so proud of Jesse and how he has handled all of the curves life has thrown at him and how he has handled everything. He is so strong, and I am so thankful he chose me as his wife.

So, job searching is over! I got a job as the receptionist at Paul Mitchell! I really am enjoying it (except for standing for 8 hours straight!) But it is going really well, and I love my co-workers and the girls that I have gotten to know while working there. It is a really good change for me, and I am so thankful for the change in my life! I am so excited for Thanksgiving, but more excited for Christmas! More just for the hot coco, the snuggling, the music, and to decorate our very own tree! YAY! I am so excited to celebrate our first couple of holidays together!! Especially to see my bestie Sharise and her new man! I am so excited to see her and meet him!! :)

Life is going good right now. Just working and Jesse is still trying to get through school. We are so grateful for everything that the lord has given to us, and the kind of people he has placed in our lives to make us stronger people.

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